I don’t eat a lot of food

I don’t eat a lot of food. I mean, I eat what I think is a pretty normal amount of food every day: A couple bowls of oatmeal with fruit, salad, more fruit, a couple bowls of rice with veggies… Calorie-wise I estimate my daily intake to be around… probably 1600-1800.

If you put all the food into a pile – the dried grains, the vegetables, and the fruit it wouldn’t be that much when you think of it.

Yet, based on this, my body is able to perform extraordinary feats like bicycling and hiking for miles. I can go for miles, zip up hillsides and hike on and on, and it seems like I just have energy.

In fact, when I reach my intended destination via bicycling or running or whatever, when you reach that place of nature, it seems like there is almost infinite energy available.

Breathing the ultra-pure air, the rays of the Sun shining on me, I just feel like I can merge with everything and just exist forever.


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