A commitment to innovation and sustainability
Favorite tea of the week
Last week my favorite tea was a back-to-basics China black, orange pekoe tea. This week as a Summery variation and in celebration of lychee season I’m loving lychee black organic Keemun.
Dietary Fiber Intake Tied to Successful Aging
…out of all the factors they examined — which included a person’s total carbohydrate intake, total fiber intake, glycemic index, glycemic load, and sugar intake — it was the fiber that made the biggest difference to what the researchers termed “successful aging.” Successful aging was defined as including an absence of disability, depressive symptoms, cognitive…
“Chronic stress vulnerability” from drinking as adolescent
Drinking during early to mid-adolescence can lead to vulnerability to chronic stress, according to new research from Binghamton University, State University of New York. …it’s bad to have elevated levels in the long term, because sustained elevations in these levels of these hormones have adverse effects on a lot of body systems. So cortisol is…
Did I just discover the secret of Clarisonicland?
My Clarisonic was irritating my skin. Even the sensitive brush seemed to irritate it. Tried different speed settings. No avail. Skin was still irriated. So I went online and got an inexpensive luxe brush. I can say it appears, after several days of use, to be working really well. My skin is clean and not…
I don’t know why this photo makes me cry
This photo was featured on a BBC news page about a study which found that thumb-sucking and nail-biting among children has a strong correlation with few allergies. I don’t know what it is, but for some reason every time I see this photo it brings tears to my eyes. This little girl just looks so…
My new favorite tea
Getting back to basics! Sometimes there’s nothing more uplifting than a basic, black China tea with its wonderful bitterness. I love to think about the first person who tried steeping tea leaves in water and actually thought it was good. I can imagine him trying to tell his friends or family “Hey! Try this! Isn’t…
OMG Complete Bliss!
My local health food store has lychee fruit available again! These ones are grown in Mexico. I find lychees to be extremely healing. They are very gentle and seem very soothing. The flavor is exquisite. There are actually ornamental lychee trees which grow near me however their fruit is unfortunately not the same. The healing…
Shocking UV levels outdoors
Today’s sky overhead was a mix of fog and occasional Sun peeking through. I used SHealth to take two UV measurements: One when the Sun was fully showing, and a second when there was fog covering it. The results: When the Sun was fully showing the UV level was registered as “extreme”. Whoa! When the…
“Luminous Finish Foundation Concentrate”
Today am testing Fiona Stiles Luminous Finish Foundation Concentrate. Its a really lightweight, fluid foundation with superb coverage but not too runny. It has a highly luminous finish as the name suggests. It was easy to apply with just my fingers, with some minor touching-up with a flat liquid foundation brush. So far am really…
Organic honey under threat due to widespread pesticide use
Its sad news: The use of pesticides is so ubiquitous and so extensive that organic honey is now under major threat. grubstreet.com: America’s Pesticides Are Threatening Organic Honey This is very much the kind of America that I see President Obama and the oligarchy as having led the United States to, along with all the…
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