A commitment to innovation and sustainability
The Moraceae family
One of the natural food stores near me is now carrying bulk dried organic jackfruit. It is now my favorite dried fruit (except maybe for raisins which are almost a daily staple [EDIT: ok and perhaps also for dried mango, unsweetened banana chips, and dried blueberries]). Unlike many other dried fruits, eating a lot of…
The uniqueness of life… or not?
When you boil it down to the essence of what makes life unique, what do you come up with? In the Cosmos there exist myriad configurations of matter an energy of which life – and us humans in particular – are just a part. But is there – or what is there – that makes…
Stir-fry rice dish
cook organic brown basmati seasoned with veggie broth and a sprinkling of wild rice in wok heat seasoned roasted sesame oil. wok should be pretty hot but not too hot. electric wok about 3/4 setting. put rice in wok. stir and cook for a couple minutes chop in some scallion and shitake stir and cook…
Really enjoyable fiber mix
Lately I realized that I need to start taking more fiber and was scanning the fiber section at the local natural foods store and came across this really amazing product called Super Seed which I want to write about. I’ve used many different fiber products in the past and never really enjoy them too much…
Purifying, Strengthening Tea
For a vessel I like to use a “salsa” jar – one of those clear, cylindrical 16 oz glass jars that one finds non-refrigerated-type salsas in. Pour in hot, pure water to about an inch below the rim. Add a little less than one teaspoon or of roasted barley. The kind I find locally in…
This video was made a while ago and received press. But it never received close to enough attention. If you have watched this video, then I have to ask this question: Is this right? Is it right what this women has to endure in her life as she endeavors to conduct her affairs in the…
5 Star Miso Sea Vegetable Soup
Yesterday I wanted to make miso soup and instead ended up making the most amazing miso/sea veggie soup. In one of those smallish, miso-soup-sized bowls filled with hot water add one tablespoon of genmai miso and stir well. Then add about one tablespoon each of kombu and wakame and maybe slightly less of hijiki since…
Silicon in deep hair treatments
Silicon is used as a premium-quality lubricant which is non-water-soluble. If you’ve ever used this type of lube you will see how well it works, how long it lasts, yet also how it is also difficult to clean off unfortunately. As far as I know there is no perfect lubricant which has the good properties…
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