A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • It’s a Free World

    It’s a free world. If someone doesn’t appreciate me – if someone can’t see beyond their prejudice – I can’t stop them from being a fool. But I would also never be so ignorant to think there is any virtue in forcing anyone. I would defend to the death their right of freedom. I will…

  • Make Your Own Larabars

    Of all the energy/nutrition bars that are made, only Larabar are vegan and have no added sugars. Some of them are really excellent – my favorites are Pecan Pie and Carrot Cake. You can also make your own Larabars – well not exactly but very close and just as healthy! I like to use a…

  • Mmmm! Heavy Coconut Cream!

    This coconut cream is excellent! You can add it to rice along with turmeric, cumin, and maybe some mustard seed to create an instant, rich, vegan curry seasoning. According to the label it can be used in place of whipped cream. I’m sure there are a lot of uses for it.

  • So what really causes adolescent acne?

    Very insightful study just published hypothesizes that common acne is the result of the skin’s encountering new microbes during adolescence and reacting to them with an inflammatory response. Quite interesting read. sci-news.com: Adolescent Acne Vulgaris is Naturally Developing, Transient Inflammatory State, Researchers Say

  • Use a Coffee Grinder to Make Dulse Flakes

    I’m really loving dulse. It has such a wholesome, umami taste. The flakes go great on almost anything: Salads, rice, potatoes, etc. You can sometimes buy dulse flakes but sometimes you can only get the whole fronds. No worries – you can easily make dulse flakes using a coffee grinder. In fact I prefer now…

  • I just figured out how to to cut long, curly hair

    tldr: You have to hang your head upside down. Let your mane fall naturally with gravity. Take note of the shape. Run your fingers through and feel the long areas – usually the sides and/or back grow faster so those are the areas that need to be trimmed to give the mane a nice, smooth…

  • Where I want to live

    I don’t want to live in the best place to be rich. I want to live in the best place to be poor. If one cannot be poor in a place, There is no point being rich. In my life I am on a quest Not to be rich, but to be poor, Which is…

  • Peach flavored white tea

    For the past few years I’ve been trying out a lot of different types of premium tea. They often have interesting names like ‘Honey Orchid Black’ and ‘Monkey-Picked Teeguanyin’. They are certainly different in taste and often uniquely exquisite. But after trying all these different ones I ended up liking a basic, flavored white tea…

  • Low income but high-quality entertainment

    Can it be considered entertainment when you are the one creating the music? I think so. I think a player enjoys what they are playing as much as someone listening. When I think about all the “events” that occur all the time, much of it seems like junk food to me and doesn’t appeal to…

  • A low income but very healthy diet

    Lately I’ve been living on an extremely thin budget but I’m still managing to take care of myself and eat very well. My philosophy is that if you do not eat a lot, then make sure that what you do is is extremely healthy. One of those extremely healthy dishes I’ve been enjoying is simple…

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